Saturday, May 31, 2008

Something interesting to write about

Well, I don't have many. Some people, like my pal Ryan, always seem to be able to come up with something clever or witty to say. Me... not so much.

Write now I'm watching Gladiator... the part of the movie where Ceasar says "Your faults as a son are because of my failures as a father." Then Comidus kills the old man. It always makes me cry a tear or two. But Lori's sitting next to me, so I don't let on too much.

I hope that when I become a father, I can raise my kids to fear God, love people, and excel in life.

There are more important things in life than power. There is nothing wrong with having power, or being in power for that matter, but those who desire it are willing to do anything for it. They don't care how they get it or who they have to walk over. That is why the people most deserving of it, are those who desire it the least - those who are the most focused serving other people. Those are the true leaders.

Well, Maximus is about to be sold as a slave now, so I'll go back to watching and playing Samurai War.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

All's well that ends well

So I came across a power cord for my old Acer laptop today. Lucky me! Lori and I are enjoying an evening without tv, each of us, sitting next to one another, surfin the web. Playin' Samurai War, bloggin', My Spacin'. Good times.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Practice What You Preach (and Hornet's related Ramblings)

Ok, so I was talking with some of the other youth staffers who's blogs you can access from the top of this page. I was saying, I guess I'm the only person who blogs anymore, and then I realized that I haven't blogged in MONTHS!!!!

My wife has blogged more than I have in the last 2 months! What's up with that!!?? So here I am, pondering all kinds of stuff. I've got questions about my school future, ministry, growing adjusted to married life... but there's one thing that's been pleaguing me since mid January....

Seriously! Have you seen how hot these guys have been playing??!! They've dropped the "best" teams in the West on a regular basis (Lakers, Dallas, Phoenix, and the Defending Champion, Spurs), Chris Paul is AVERAGING a double-double, and is in the process of becoming the youngest MVP in NBA History. His stats right now are better than Scottie Pippen's ever where, and he's beat out Allen Iverson for the biggest "little" man in the league.
Some group who keeps records of alley-oops has reported that the Chris Paul and Tyson Chandler (JUST those two players) have more Alley-oops than any other team, and that the Hornets (whole team now) average more alley-oops than any other team.
If we can beat Houston this week (wouldn't it be great if we snapped their streak!), then we'll be tied for first in the Division as well as the Conference lead (that tough Western conference at that!).
Other news
I photographed my first wedding EVER a few weeks ago. Maybe later this week I'll post a few pictures. I'm not thinking that this could ever become a regular thing, but it was a lot of fun. I'll have to find a more dedicated second-shooter though (André).
I totally just discovered (like 30 seconds ago) that the key combination "Alt + 1 +3" makes "♪". How cool is that!!??

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Russell!!

Okay, since my husband seems to have lost interest in posting anything interesting...I'll post a couple pictures from the wedding.

I also just completely changed the blog look...we'll see what he thinks when he finds out. Hehe...this is fun! ; )

Anyway, we were finally married on January 19, 2008. We both thought we would cry through the whole ceremony...we just laughed. It was such a perfect we won't soon forget. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed the day!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Honeymoons and Caucuses

Well, the big day is just a day away. I'm up late (thanks to Five Hour Energy) trying to finish my homework. I mean, really, who wants to be stressed out getting homework done at the last minute....(looks around and whistles).

I noticed that Mike Huckabee is using Eventful to get the word out about himself. Go there now and demand that he come to New Orleans. The Lousisana Primaries are less than a month away (Febuary 9), so let's get Huck here so we can get the word out!!

Participating in the Primaries and Caucuses are great ways to increase your voice in the government of our nation. Not enough people participate, yet everyone complains with the "wrong guy (or girl)" gets nominated to represent their party on the Presidential ballot. Get with the program people. Our nation has developed a system, no matter how weird it may be, get out and use it to the best of its ability!!